“ECI – Business Terminal” is a multisided platform that will offer Albanian companies a wide range of personalized services that respond to their needs for innovation and internationalization with an eye to open innovation: development of new products / processes; technology transfer; access to new markets; information on EU activities, projects and opportunities, B-to-B activities and international match making. “ECI” designs, realizes and manages innovative services for Albanian companies, citizens and public administrations. One stop Terminal for business support and Pit Stop for MSME to survive and perform in a chaotic and mobile business environment. ECI –Business Terminal is a spin-off from Barleti University, part of BARLETI Group that provides consultancy and implementation of solutions for local MSME, organizations, donors, and financial institutions. It acts as a one-stop-shop for MSMEs, or other stakeholders, offering the basic services needed for an MSME to exist in the market by offering competitive and innovative products, services, or solutions.
The aims of ECI spin-off are:
- to support the Albania MSMEs in the fulfillment of enterprise functions, duties, and obligations by offering them technical assistance, consultancy, and solutions for making them competitive and innovative companies in domestic and EU or other markets in a one-stop-shop service framework through a coordinated platform/ central portal.
- to assist the various donors and programs in Albania in their contribution to the economic development through concrete and easy to use working packages of daily-customized consultancy for MSMEs.
- to fill the gap or the absence in Albanian business environment of a supporting entity offering centralized services through a coordinated platform/ central portal, for MSMEs, in order to make easily and accessible the European Union’ funds dedicated to MSMEs, Government and Donors’ development programs that provide financial or non-financial instruments such as Credit Line, Guarantee funds, business support schemes, technical assistance.
Multisided Platform
Multi-sided platforms that will coordinate the demand of business and funders with distinct groups of customers who need each other in some way and for the same purpose.
- Fee base membership
- Advertising
- Services and Consultancy
- Commission for Transaction between Businesses
- Online Buying and Selling
BEST can act as an one-stop shop entity ready to support the Albania MSMEs, through a coordinated platform/central portal in their performance of enterprise functions, duties, and obligations by offering them assistance, consultancy, and solutions. Also BEST acts as an entity ready to assist the various donors and programs in Albania in their contribution to the economic development with concrete and easy to use working packages of daily-customized consultancy for MSMEs.
BEST project will adapt the following implementation modality.
- Draft a zero Concept Note and share with different stakeholders and fill up a questioner for them
- Write a full project proposal incorporating findings and needs from the questioner and a complete Business Plan
- Build the Central Platform with all the needed element and categories.
- Develop the specific tools, program and search engine of the portal
- Recruit and Rise capacity of the team in different aspect of the platform and services
- Startup and Spin off with a proper structure and services in place.
- Marketing BEST development, structure, platform, and services in order for MSMEs and others to reach out.
MSME are financial realities operating in a self-imposed comfort zone and are the first to find themselves out of the market when different scenarios come true. They realize too late the market changes, as deriving from different consumer behavior, as when it comes to digitalization, and are the last to have invested in resilience development for the overcoming of turbulences due to theirlimited financing and lack of knowledge. They usually ignore the role of a good, non-necessary expensive marketing campaign, still relating to the superiority of WOM driven from fan base, or don’t even consider the existence of supply chain management practices when it comes to operations management finding themselves cut out in paralysis time for logistics, as Covid-19. Therefore, they lack the knowledge and capacity and BEST offers those as surplus to demanded services and assistance.
Startup businesses, with focus on students, are a vulnerable target group that faces a complexity of difficulties: i) low level of support by financial institutions, as the later defines them very high risk clients, ii) lack of qualified human resources, iii)poor knowledge of legislation, iii) lack of self-confidence in accessing donors’ funds as they are not familiar with procedures, iv) unstructured and poor business plans.
- Consultancy and Advice
- Market Search and Consumers Relations
- Business Planning and Financing
- Business Marketing Plan
- Business Startup
- Financial Reports and Tax Declaration
- Digital Services and Contents
- Tools and Technologies
- Prototyping New Products and Solutions
- Commercialization
Quintuple Helix model of development and industrial background implicates best practices, successfully tested in similar realities, as clustering in cost-effective supply chain management, or new financing practices globally operating, as crowdfunding and business angels. This multidisciplinary background offers assistance and consultancy in each enterprise function and is able to find MSMEs Achilles heel to acceleration, growth, survival, or resilience building of the business.
- Grow and Accelerate your business
- Transform your business in times of turbulence
- Realize and Commercialize new products, services and solutions
- Increase sales & profits
- Dominate your competitors
- Turn your business idea into reality
- Get funding from lenders & investors
IMPACTS: what our client archive:
- Winning Business Plan
- Successful Administration and Management
- Agile Operation and Production
- Omni channel Distribution and Logistics
- Excellent Finance and Accounting
- Rewarding Marketing and Sales
- Trustable Human Resources
- Enriching Legal Agreements
- Goal-driven Real Estate